
Hey, guys, How are you?

I can only apologise for not uploading properly the past couple of weeks, I've not been feeling too well, Thank you all for your support, it does mean a lot. Hope you've all had a lovely couple of weeks, would love to know what you've been up to, feel free to contact me

This blog is going to be a chatty one, hope you don't mind, sometimes it's nice to just get stuff wrote down! If you ever want me to cover points of your own, I can mention your name or keep it Annonymous, contact me the email for free! This Sunday's blog will be my March faves, hope you're ready for it! 

With this kind of blog, I want it to seem like it's having a chat with you on a sofa drinking tea or coffee depending on which one you prefer, with the perfect music on in the background. perfect music and company, if you know me well and I feel comfortable with you, you'll know I can talk for ages especially about a subject I'm passionate about. I'm currently writing this blog, sat in my PJ's and a cold glass of water and just got out the bath/shower, used a bath bomb which was the baby bath scent, smelled amazing. I hope you're having a lovely start to your week, and have some lovely plans when you have free time to do so.

Here is the video of the bath bomb I used if it doesn't work please let me know!

Do any of you break up for Easter this week? and do any of you celebrate it with family and friends? would love to know your plans for Easter and for your couple of weeks off if you have it off! Some of my plans for Easter is to meet up with friends/family, I'm going to London in the second week of the holidays to watch The Cursed Child (Harry Potter) so excited for that, and I'll take plenty of photos and will upload them for you all, There may be a possibility ill have a new tattoo or piercing, haven't decided just yet.

I always get like this when it comes to conversations with friends or family and have a mind blank and have no clue what to say next!

Maybe I could end it here, saves me rambling on about rubbish and it being bad content,

I want to thank you for reading, I hope you have a brilliant day and I hope to see your beautiful faces on Sunday with my March faves, please don't hesitate to use my email, its there for you to all use!


Becca x


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