Struggles within life, and my personal struggles!

Hey, Guys, I hope you're all well and have been since my last blog! It's been a while, and I've been meaning to write this blog for the past couple of weeks, but my head hasn't been in the right place, and I will only blog when my head is clear and in the right mindset. 

So hit the lights, sit back with a hot or cold beverage, and enjoy the read! 

Today's blog is a serious one yet again, and as you'ver read from the title yes it's about life struggles and struggles that I've personally gone through.

there isn't a list that I'm going to follow, I'll just talk about what's on my mind at the time of typing, but what I will be starting with our mental health and mental illnesses, there is a high percentage of people in the UK with mental health issues, Mind charity say that 1in 4 people in the UK experience mental health each year.

Mental health can be a number of things from anxiety to depression, stress, phobias, OCD, panic disorders, they can be anything, and it's always different for everyone and can be serious depending on the person. remember there is always someone out there where you can talk to someone.

Another life struggle can be making friends and meeting new people, could be in school, at work, in the street even in your local supermarket, meeting new people can be very daunting but its something that happens every single day in life, and it's never something we can not do as there are people everywhere, just saying hello to someone can make their day! try it out and see what you think?

In life more than likely you will tell yourself that you can't do certain things, just because it's the easiest thing to say! you'd be lying if you say you've never told yourself that, I'll admit that I have on numerous occasions and still do it now! but the best thing to do is to try out what you think you can't do and see how it turns out, and if you can't then maybe try and seek someone who could help you!

Another life struggle can be growing up! hitting puberty and getting a year older on your birthdays, when your younger you love it, but it's not that special as you do get older, I personally don't get excited for my birthday like I used to, are any of you the same? Some people find it really scary growing up and becoming an adult, with work, cars, houses and having children, but there are people who are very much excited for all of those things, and I feel that's great for them, can't say where I am, I am excited but yet nervous about it all which I guess is normal for most! what do you think? how do you feel you are with it all?

One last and final point is how to cope with all of these feelings, I cope by listening to music, I do an awful lot, and I will listen to all sorts, as I'm writing this I'm listening to Zen Spa music as I find it really calming as I write. Music isn't for everyone, some people watch movies to switch off,  have a bath/shower, or even read books and listen to audiobooks/podcasts. Do you do any of these? would love to know. Are there different things you do that I haven't mentioned?

So this blog was pretty deep huh?

just thought it was something worth talking about, I know my blogs do help some of you, and I'm honoured that they do help you, that's the main purpose of the blogs, and most of  the feedback I get is all positive and I appreciate you all taking the time to read it, so what I'm trying to say is

Thank You All!!!

Becca x


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