What I've been up to?

Hey, Guys, I hope you're all well and have been since the last blog!

I would love to list a whole bunch of interesting things I've been up to but like any other human, not a lot, mainly working, searching for new jobs and cleaning the house a lot, does make you feel like you've accomplished something when the whole house is clean and tidy!

I have been meeting family and friends when I can, I've now started going to my nan's on a Monday morning for breakfast after my morning shift at work, which is nice to see her as I don't always get the chance to or did before! On a Friday I tend to meet my best friend at the local pub for a game of pool and a laugh, it's like going out without actually going out if that makes sense, it's the time of the week where we can just wind down and enjoy ourselves.

Another thing I've been trying to do more and that's taking more care of myself and with doing that I've managed to lose three stone and I've gone down two dress sizes! I'm so pleased but the thing is I can't tell you how I'm doing it because I have no clue!

Last but not least, is that I've been finding new interests, I've found out that I enjoy movies that I never used to enjoy, and it's crazy! I literally feel like a new me!

Is there anything nice you've been up to recently? or any new interests? love to know! Hope you enjoyed the read!

Thank you!

Becca x



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