Where have I been? and Deep Chats.

HEYYYY my lovelies, how are you? I hope you're doing well, and have had amazing lives since the last blog which was the Appreciation one, if you haven't read please go and share it some love, would be amazing!

I know I've been MIA recently, and haven't blogged in a while, I've had quite a lot of things to sort out in my life, from mentally to physically, changes have happened, some for the best and some not so good, but these are things we learn from, life lessons are what form who we are, and who we are meant to be. (Deep I Know) I'm just saying what many of you think, we can be honest with each other, this is a safe space and all are welcome, even if you're a unicorn or a mermaid, no one judges and we will welcome you with open arms.

If any of you have any worries or anxious moments, and need someone to talk to, come over and contact me, I will be someone to help no matter what, there were times where I needed to talk to someone and I never knew who was best to talk to, sometimes I used to feel like I didn't have anyone in parts of my life, but recently I've worked out who I actually have in my life and who is going to be there for the long run and who actually does care about me and my feelings, so I want that for you, a person who will listen and who wont judge as i'm in no place to judge anyone.

Open minded people here please>>>>>>>>>>

we can be a community who looks out for one another, and who wants to live amongst the stars and clouds or even in a lagoon with the sea folk or in your own rainbow, you can decide for yourself, opinions are welcomed and appreciated!

Well this blog changed ways, this wasn't the blog I was planning on writing, but I guess i had to get these thoughts out of my head and on here for you all to read! I hope I've managed to help any of you who are struggling at the moment, or have made you think about talking to others and voicing your opinion, if people don't like it then thats their problem, not yours. we all can believe what we wish despite what others say. BE TRUE TO YOU!

You're amazing no matter what, if you have anxiety or depression, they don't own you, you're stronger than you think, and better then all the haters putting you down, Remember that!

wow, very deep chats hey?

I hope you enjoyed today's blog and would love your feedback,

Loves ya lots like jelly tots,

Becca x


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