How to let go / Moving on

Hey, guys how are we all? Let's start off with a quote! 
“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”
Herman Hesse.
Know the benefits of not letting go
I often write about finding lightness in life in a journal. It can come from an unhurried but effective day at work or from uncluttering your home, or from learning how to let go and move on in life.
Learning to let go of a relationship, of something else in your past, of something that is just an unimportant distraction or of trying to control what you cannot control can free up huge amounts of the energy and the time you have to use for something better and more fulfilling.
The mix of knowing how those benefits will hurt me in the long run and of knowing that there are even bigger benefits that I can get from letting go becomes a powerful motivator that pushes me on to let go for my own sake and happiness.
I have not let go of things in the past because of these reasons. I still sometimes delay letting go of things because of those benefits above. But I am also conscious of the fact that they are something I get out of not letting go. And I know that in the end, they are not worth it.
Accept what is, then let go
When you accept what is, that this has happened then it becomes easier to let go. Why?
Because when you're still struggling in your mind against what has happened then you feed that memory or situation with more energy. You make what someone said or did even bigger and more powerful in your mind than it might have been in reality.
If someone wrongs you then it will probably cause you to pain for a while. But after that, you have a choice. You can refuse to let go of what happened. And instead, let it interfere with your relationship and replay what happened over and over in your mind.
First accepting what happened can be helpful to make it easier to forgive. Another thing you can do is not to focus on forgiving because it is “something you're supposed to do”.
Focus on what you CAN influence in your life.
By reliving what happened over and over in your mind you aren't really changing anything. Unless you have a time-machine you don’t have any control over the past.
And being distracted or worried by things that you cannot control in your life in any way right now doesn't help.
So ask yourself:
  • What CAN I focus my time and energy on instead to actually make positive progress or a change in my life?
  • And what is one small step I can take today to get started with that?
Let go again (if necessary)

If you let go of something that happened or some distraction in your life then that might not be the end of it.

Life is not always that neat. The issue or distraction might pop up again.
Then let it go once more.
I have found that each time I let something go it pops up less and less frequently and it has less power over me. Plus, this extra practice will make it easier to let go in the future.
Just some things to think about! Try and stay positive and let the negativity flow out of you! 
Thank you for the read! Always appreciate it! 

Becca x 


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