What scares you?

13th August- 20th August 2017

This blog will be slightly different as there isn't much to talk about from last week, as I didn't get up to much, the days were filled with cleaning, tidying, and laundry, the only day I didn't do much was Wednesday as I went to my nans (dads mum) as I haven't properly seen her in months maybe over a year, and it was lovely to catch up with her, sat out in the sun chatting with a cup of tea, it's been a long time coming and better later than never that's all I can say.

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, his name is Daniel Turell, he's like my number one fan who reads my blogs, I don't know why he finds them so interesting as I never know from one week to the next what I'm going to write about, and he gave me something to think about when we had our last conversation, as he was watching IT he asked me if there's anything that scares me, besides a phobia of clowns nothing scares me like that, and I was wondering if there is anything that scares you? the person reading this! do you have any phobias? or something that really scares you? even if you may find it stupid to tell others, it's not stupid if it affects you deeply, my advice is to not be afraid to tell people what scares you, embrace it and you'll then find there are more people in the world in your position and you won't feel so alone!!

On another note, just be happy with who you are quirks and all! you may feel different to your best friends, family but there isn't anything wrong with that, you are amazing no matter what your hair colour is or how you wear your makeup, you are amazing no matter what! the best person you can be is a true person true to yourself and who you want to be.

Thank you very much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!


Thanks and Goodbye.....<3


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