Favourites january

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I've seen quite a few YouTubers do this and there are possibly bloggers out there who do this too! so I thought I would give it a try and see what you think of it.

so some of this month's favourites are the new Asking Alexandria album Asking Alexandria, I've been listening to this album an awful lot and I'm in love with it, so if you're into rock and don't mind a little screaming then you'll love this band. 

Another is my Doc Martens I got myself for Christmas, I love these and they are so comfortable, I've literally worn them every day since I bought them and it will be something I'll always be wearing!  

Next, is the eyebrow powder I got for Christmas from my sister, Its the powder from Tanya Burr cosmetics, the product is amazing and makes my eyebrows look amazing once they are done, not too dark and not too light which is the look I need especially for work. 

and finally My record player and CD player, my mum got me these for Christmas and I've used these pretty much every day, as I do love listening to music, it gives me more reasons to play different music and has different sound which I do absolutely love. 

I know I haven't listed that many favourites in this blog, but I was just trying it out and to see if you enjoy reading blogs like this and if you do, I will make sure to do one at the end of every month! 

Thank you for reading, I hope you have a fantastic week! 

Becca! <3 

Related image  Image result for tanya burr brow kit 


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