Just something to think about...

Why should we have them? why do we need them? 

Friendship means the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.

Everyone across the world has friends and experience of making new friends, It's very daunting making new friends, just having the courage to talk to people can be hard or having the confidence to do this, but once you break that barrier its the best feeling, because then you'll be able to talk to more people and then make more friends, this obviously comes with practice and of course confidence! 

People have people who are just their friends and then there are people who are classed as your best friends who you can share more personal information with and secrets because you trust them more whereas your friends you can't quite trust to tell them everything as you may not trust them more or you don't quite feel that comfortable talking personally to! (cant hear the word personal without thinking of the vamps) anyway just have a think about who your true friends are and how much you trust them and see who you thought was your best friends who aren't treating you the way they used to! With friends, they will always support you through the bad and good things in life, when these things come around in life this is where you know who your true friends are!

One good thing to have when making friends or having them is to possibly have things in common with them, like music taste, or movies, or clothing sense. It does help because then you'll always have something to always talk about. The thing about friendships is that friends don't have to be the same age as you, can be older or even younger than you, there isn't an age limit to friends. When you've made friends there may be the friends that you will grow up with which is one of the nicest feelings ever.  

One bad thing that can come with friendships is fallouts, having arguments with them because maybe your personality clashes, or through jealousy or possibly miscommunication, but once things have been said and apologies have been made for what every reason things get better and in some cases, the said friendships become closer and stronger than before. 

Something fun to do with friends is having sleepovers! these are the most popular activities to do with friends, its where you get to gossip, watch movies, have midnight feasts and staying up late! the things you don't get to do normally, only on a sleepover and with completing these you will have memories made and possibly photographs taken to remember the night by. It's one of the main times in life where you have a great time and have your best laughs! As Tinie Tempah said once, 'photographs make the best memories better than videos'!

A quote to end the blog today was one, my sister, Natalie wrote down for me which is 'Some people come into your life to simply teach you a lesson'. 

I hope you enjoyed today's blog and come along to the next one, hope to see you there. 




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