Be True To You!

Hey, guys how are you all doing? I hope you're doing well!

So this blog will be a very personal one to me and I'm sure loads of you can relate to this, but being true to yourself is one of the most important things in life If your not true to yourself then your not being truly honest.

I'm one of these people who hasn't always been true to myself, and I always have found it hard to share my feelings with anyone friends or family, I always kept my thoughts and feeling and even problems to myself because I didn't want them to know, or to worry about me! Also, I have had bad situations where I've spoken to friends and its backfired so I have learned to not trust people, and I have trouble trusting people at the best of times. So if I have told you anything, I just want to let you know, that I do trust you and that you've helped me so much! Thank you!!!!!!

Being true, means you don't change for anyone, you stay the same person all through life, and if there's ever chances where you feel like you've changed, take a step back and have a huge think about it all and maybe go out with friends or do something with them where its just you and them and have a chat over food or drink or both, friends are there to help to matter what, so do whats best for you and what your heart says to do.

Another thing is to always express yourself, even if that's just dying your hair, having tattoos or piercings, or simply painting your nails, show the world your true self and love yourself for who you are, if you don't love yourself how can you expect anyone else to love you? have a think about that! Your life is just as important as anyone else in the world, so live it to the max and have no regrets! if you want to make bucket lists and try to do as many exciting things in life then do so, create memories and just have fun!

If you have a spontaneous moment in life, live it and love it, it's a very exciting time in your life so embrace it, don't worry about what people will say or think, it's your life, not theirs and you never know, you may even make someones day because of your happiness, love life and live for you and no one else!

If you want to be a goth be one,
If you want to be a unicorn lover be one,If you want to be a mermaid do it!

I've really enjoyed writing this blog, I hope you've all enjoyed the read,

don't forget to love yourself!

Be true,
Thank you all,

Becca x


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