Hey guys, I hope you're well and have had a fantastic week, 

I've been meaning to write this blog for weeks, but I have waited to when I feel I should post it which is today, I hope you don't mind. 

As you've seen, this week's blog is about music and how music has helped me in life. 

Every morning I always out some form of music on, its either Spotify or the radio, I tend to use radio one as it has a varied genre of music which is why I love it! As I'm writing this blog I have got radio one on and it's nice and chilled. Is there a radio station you tend to listen to? would love to know! and if you have a favourite genre of music to listen to and which is your go-to band or singer?

How has music helped me?

Music has been a huge part of my life, I can't remember a time in my life where I wasn't listening to music, I've used it as a distraction most of the time because I can lose myself with the tune, If there is a time where I don't listen to music I have to question why! because it's so rare that I don't play anything, also when I'm around my friend's house you can guarantee that I will play some kind of music, either from my phone or on youtube from the TV. I feel a huge amount of comfort with music because I can choose what I want to listen to and there's loads of music to choose from, and depending on my mood will depend on what I listen to! 

Does music help any of you guys? 
What does music mean to you? 

I've asked a friend of mine what music means to her, and she uses it to express herself, to escape reality and to create memories with! singing and dancing are the main activities done whilst listening to songs, and it also helps you have a fab time. 

A quote I love to do with music is 

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

I hope you all enjoyed today's blog,  this blog means a lot to me as it means an awful lot to me! I'd love to hear your feedback, 

Thank you, 

Becca x


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