Halloween 2018

HAPPY HALLOWEEN WITCHES!!!! I know Halloween has passed but, I never got the chance to upload yesterday! so here is my 2018 Halloween blog!!!!!!!

 For the first time in years, I didn't actually dress up for Halloween, I'm just as shocked as you are, maybe even spooked! the closest thing I got to dress up was using filters on my face like you see in the photo on the left.

I know it's not always about dressing up and makeup, even though originally dressing up happened to scare off ghosts and also why pumpkins are carved, they were carved and placed outside the front of the house to scare ghostly ghouls to be scared away! It can be loads of fun getting all bloody and scary faced with friends or family, by having parties, or meals, or even just sitting in watching a creepy movie with the fire on! 

Halloween evolved from the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, but over the centuries Halloween transitioned from a pagan ritual to a day of parties costumes, jack-o-lanterns and trick-or-treating for kids and adults.


The first Jack O’Lanterns were actually made from turnips,
Halloween is the second highest grossing commercial holiday after Christmas,
Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween,
Ireland is typically believed to be the birthplace of Halloween,
Scarecrows, a popular Halloween fixture, symbolize the ancient agricultural roots of the holiday,

Let me know if you know any fun facts about Halloween!

As most of you may know, Halloween is my favourite holiday of the year! I watch horror movies all year round, but they are that little bit more special on Halloween and the witching hour, and I also get asked for recommended horror movies, which I love because I can help scare others! in a nice way of course! I tend to go with my nan to watch horrors in the cinema as she loves than just as much as I do, and I actually love that I can do that with her!

Do you have any horror movies you like? or any you'd like to watch?

I could talk about Halloween all day long, but I don't want to bore you so I will end this blog with a fact and myth that goes with it! I hope you enjoyed the read, and I will see your beautiful faces next time. I hope you had a spooky Halloween, and here's to next year.


Becca x

Fact: It was believed that the veil between our world and the spirit world was at its thinnest during this time. Because of this, people feared the presence of evil visiting them. To hide from the spirits and have protection from them, they would dress up in disguises. The thought was that an evil spirit couldn't find a person if they were disguised as an evil spirit themselves. This has since morphed into a day to flaunt any and all costumes, but the origin was purely about protection.
Myth: Halloween is only about the scares


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