
Hey Lovelies, How are you all? 

another blog post already? wow must be in a good mood :) how was your week? wonderful to see all your beautiful faces again! 

As you can tell me the title today's blog is about appreciation, I may have spoken about this before, but you can never speak about it enough! 

Appreciationrecognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.

We all need to appreciate what we have in our lives and love what we have, and to not take anything for granted, you have one life so you need to live it to it's fullest, be who you are and not to act like someone else, you are amazing love yourself. 

I've written a few words I will share with you now...

Everyone expects so much from me,
They never ask how I am
Every day they want more and more
Some day there will be nothing left.

I try so hard and get nothing after
I'm always too kind and that never works out
There's people appreciation I never get back
People take me for granted, and that's not okay!

I’m the first person they contact
If they have their own problems
Always in need of my help
And that's expected from me

I know we all moan about life
And we are only human
But appreciate what you've got
Before it's too late.

I hope you enjoyed today's read, its a quick and meaningful one today, love you loads

Becca x


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