Negative people and how things have been.

Hey, My lovelies, I hope you're all well and have done well since my last blog post,
What have you all been up to? it's Easter holidays here for me, what are you doing over the Easter break? would love to know if there's anything exciting planned!

Right on with the chat, I've had good and bad days just like the rest of us, doesn't help that my brain makes every situation feel worse, which I know loads of people can relate to so I'm not saying I'm the only one who goes through it, far from that, I've joined this new group on Facebook for anxiety and I feel like this will really help me as I will be able to help others too, so if you're looking for a page please try it out, never know it may help you. I've had some people making comments about me and towards me, and that got to me more than it should have and need to learn to not to allow negative people to get under my skin like that, it's not healthy and good for you,
Does this happen to any of you? 

something I've been working on for a couple of years is not caring what people think, and a good way of doing that is wearing dresses with no tights on, and I have scares on the bottom of my legs and I never like people seeing them, but I've told myself that if people don't like the look of them then they shouldn't look, and it's actually worked! Losing weight has helped my confidence also in major ways, I do get more attention and people actually wanting to talk to me! I was always the one guys talk to, to get closer to my friends and now the tables have turned! most of the guys I've dated recently aren't the nicest so I've bee put off for a while, but I just need to try! I just don't share that with people, I've got one friend who likes to go for it, and another that's like don't bother, so god knows.

Can anyone relate to me? will be nice to talk to someone who's going through this or has gone through it and out the other end? 

This blog wasn't as long as I planned but I also didn't want to ramble on, as I can do that a lot depending on how strongly I feel about the subject,

I hope you all enjoyed the read, and are looking forward to the next one,

I will see your beautiful faces next time


Becca x


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