2020 NEW YEAR!

Hey, guys, How are you all? HAPPY NEW YEAR! it's now 2020, how quickly did that year go? I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New year!

Got some resolution ideas for you all right here:

1. Stop procrastinating
2. Be more positive
3. Make better use of your time
4. Keep a journal
5. Cross items off your bucket list
6. Have more fun, go on adventures
7. Achieve inner peace
8. Become a better person
9. Be happier
10. Be more creative.

Take care of yourself this year, and look after the environment, we all have to live in this world, so let's do what we can to make it beautiful! Make yourself beautiful too, Beauty comes from within, show the world who you are and who you want to be!

I don't mean to get too deep in chat but sometimes it's needed to be said! We can all try and be the person who others won't, but you only need to be the person you want to be, doesn't matter what others think or say!

Here is Carol with her thoughts and input,

Hey, everyone, I hope that you all had an amazing Christmas even though apparently we all blinked and missed it, I really enjoy the Christmas holidays this year it took me a little longer to feel festive the joys of getting older, but that also just made me think we need to enjoy each and every day, live each moment, each conversation.

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream" I absolutely love this quote, to me I see this quote relating to each new day, not a new year, we get new years every year but in that year there are 365 single days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes, when you look into each day and see how many hours and minutes you are presented with, you can decide whether you want to make that day a positive or negative day.

I myself have bought myself a fresh journal for this year, and I am guaranteeing myself at least half an hour per day to note down thoughts, feelings and emotions, I found this helped me a lot towards the end of last year but I didn't use it enough that is why I am having a journal time each day.

One thing that has always motivated me to do anything is music, music is always with you whether its a tune that you remember in your head, certain lyrics that you hold onto or a full song or album that has meaning to you, tonight I had listened to a lot of past songs that I grew up with especially because I am the youngest of 4 children so I grew up listening to my siblings songs but they have stayed with me as it reminds me of past memories, right now I am listening to an album called cheesy pop and the song currently on is The fresh prince of bel air, I can not tell you know much I heard this song when I was growing up but its great memories.

That's another to think about for the new year 2019 is now technically a memory as we move on to the next year and next decade, but you hold the memories close to you and cherish and treasure each and everyone they all happened for a reason the bad, the good, the planned, the unplanned, each and everyone happened for a reason they shaped you to the person you are reading this blog right now, you are strong, you are brave, YOU ARE ENOUGH!!! I have a quote tattooed on my right arm that says life is a beautiful struggle, this has been a quote that has been said in my family a lot but it wasn't until recently that I started thinking more into it life is what we make it truly is a beautiful struggle, and you are the beautiful controller, you go and conquer!!!!!

Thank you all for the read!

Becky! x


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