Day in the life! (Quarantine style)

Hey, guys, I hope you are all well!

As we can't really go out I will walk and talk you through a day in my life! I shall walk you through a typical Tuesday for me at home, I don't do much on a Monday so I didn't see the point in doing that, I suppose this is slightly like a morning and night routine for me.

I make my bed every morning when I get up,

Recently I've been doing yoga in a morning as well and at night, so once I'm up and ready to come downstairs I get a glass of water and make my way to the living room and I then put youtube on and do my morning yoga routine, once this is done I will go to the kitchen and clean up everything in there, I then have breakfast and I usually have cereal, my choice is Benefit with red berries cereal from Aldi and it's just like special K with fruit in it!

I will then wash that up, head upstairs and get ready for the day usually as its not a hair wash day, I will put it up in a high pony and wear some comfy clothing like a baggy Tee and leggings and usually my sliders, so if I need to go out to the bins or to peg washing out I can quickly, Depending on my mood I may put makeup on or just fill in my eyebrows so I look slightly more human!

Once that is done, I go back downstairs look at the job list I made the day before, and start with the jobs just before this I will either put music on Spotify on the Tv or the radio so I have something to listen to, I get as many jobs crossed off the list as possible, on a good day I can finish all and feel productive, some days I don't do as much and that's okay! I have to convince myself and whilst drinking loads of water.

When the jobs are done It's usually around lunchtime and I fix myself something to drink and eat, usually a Tea or iced coffee, food usually varies but usually a salad with some veggie meat! have a chilled half an hour, check my phone, usually, put an episode of something on or a youtube video, I've been enjoying horror stories that are animated, so you have something to watch as well as listening to the story, they are like podcasts but with a visual element, I love them! Search horror stories animated into google or youtube.

After that, I check my jobs list for anything else to do and of course wash up what I used for lunch! when all the jobs are done, I finish between 12-2 usually, and I'm usually waiting on washing to dry to put away so there's free time in between so I usually watch those videos till it's done, or go for a walk as I do every day and then all eventually put away around 4 ish.

Nothing else to do so I either plan what everyone is having for lunch or prepare food for others. then before I know it, its evening and all are fed, so it's time to chill, with a hot beverage and a good tv show, As I've mentioned before me and my mum have been watching Sugar rush and still do and did this evening to wind down from the day as shes at work every day except weekends. then its 9pm and my mum goes to bed and I do my evening yoga, with calming music on, or a tv show like New girl, and then I relax for a bit and eventually head upstairs and lie in bed, checking my phone etc and then I put my calm app on and then at some point drop off to sleep.

Thanks for reading, I shall hand you over to Carol and she will share her day in the life with you,

Hey everyone the day I'm going to walk you through is a Sunday, I love my Sundays its a chill day but I also like it as a catch-up day,

On a Sunday morning, I will wake up and have my water, after my water I will get up and Sunday is
bedding change day so I will pick out my bedding of choice and I will change my bedding, you can't beat fresh bedding on your bed, once I have changed my bedding I will gather it all up into a pile and make my bed, (i actually have that bedding in the picture on my bed right now). I really love fresh bedding day, once my bed is made and I have put all of my pillows back on my bed I will have a little tidy around my room, making sure that it is all organised. When that is all done I will grab the bedding that I have just taken off and head downstairs to put the bedding in the washing machine.

Whilst the bedding is being washed I will decide on some breakfast which on a Sunday tends to be boiled eggs and toast, once I have had this I will go and wash up the stuff that I have used.

I will then head upstairs to watch some tv, which will be either Netflix or youtube, I am still loving watching new girl, I am currently on season 4, it is such an amazing show to watch (I highly recommend it). Whilst watching some episodes of new girl I will do some colouring or some crafts which at the moment is sorting pictures for the scrapbooks that I am making or doing some drawing, or spend some time sorting some things in my room. New girl is such a great programme to chill out to and to get some little things done, with it being a light-hearted comedy its good to have something to listen and laugh too when catching up with things. Colouring is a great pass time as well.

Once I have watched a few episodes and done a bit of colouring or finished sorting things in my room, I will head downstairs and get my bedding that has been washed and dried and I will put this away and I will then get myself a drink and some lunch or a snack, once I have had my food I will watch some tv downstairs and spend some time with my mum or I will go back upstairs and watch some tv which tends to be youtube.

In the late afternoon/ evening of a Sunday, I will have my dinner and then have a shower because there is no better combo than fresh bedding and clean self, on the evening I will then spend some time laying in bed and I will make myself a to-do list for the next day which I do every evening, its a great way to be productive the next day, I will also do a journal entry and do a bit of yoga, after this, I will lay in bed on my phone for a bit and then will get ready to go to sleep around midnight.

I hope you enjoyed the read and gave you some ideas of what to do!

Thank you

Becca x


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