Blogtober 2020- Autumn photos

 Hey, guys, How are you all???? Welcome to another blogtober blog! This one is autumn-themed photos that myself and carol have taken in the past few years! 

Can't beat a fallen leaf and shoe photo, which is a classic photo most people take and share! 

A homemade leaf photo, not always the best but always fun to create and of course a coat selfie with boots, on an Autumn walk! 

Having an Autumn themed outfit, this was for work, and I fell in love with it when I saw it in a shop and thought that I have to get it! 

Typical autumn photo when you use the spooky filters on snapchat! these are and will always be a classic and so much fun, its always great to come across new ones to always try. 

Pictures are definitely an amazing way of capturing memories, with taking Autumn photos there is the opportunity to capture the beauty of the world with the leaves changing colours and the beautiful autumnal changes that happen before our eyes. 

Remember to always look for the beauty in life, capturing pictures is a great reminder of where we are today and where we have been in the past, 

Hope you have all enjoyed the read today and we will see you with another blog soon, 


Becca x



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