The Little Mermaid

Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid trades her voice for legs in order to win the prince's heart and live happily ever after — so goes Disney's rendition of this tale.

Every step she takes makes her feel like she's walking on daggers, but she still dances for the prince and soon becomes his favourite companion. The original version, by Hans Christian Andersen, is not quite as cheery — while the trade with the Sea Witch still occurs, the penalty for failure isn't just turning back into a mermaid. It's death.

So a happily ever after then? Not quite. The prince ends up marrying another girl who he mistakenly believes was the one to save him from the shipwreck.

Before the mermaid faces her death penalty though, her sisters sell their hair to bring her a dagger — if she kills the prince, his dripping blood will cause her feet to become fins again.

But in the end, she can't bring herself to do it, and so she jumps off the ship where the wedding was held and turns into sea foam.

Bye For Now.


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