Hey, guys, I hope you're well?

2022 is now at an end, another year has flown by, many memories created and many tears shared, I've had good times and bad times this year, life can't always be perfect, wonder what 2023 will bring us, I hope you've all had a great, no a fantastic year, and we walk into 2023 with open minds and hearts to welcome all the good and positive things waiting for us to witness, be thankful for all the help you get, even if it's at work, home or just in your local shop, be kind to all and love all! 

How has your year been? have you created any positive memories? anything that may stand out to you? Have you all got your new year's resolutions? one I started before the new year of 2022 was to drink black coffee, and even now, every morning I will still have my black coffee whilst getting ready for work. 

I know this isn't black but it's still coffee! tried to make a fancy one with chocolate sprinkles, had to be done over Christmas! How was yours? personally, I felt this year was different compared to last, I know I wasn't as excited for it this year and I can't explain why, It confused me, rattling my brain to work out what was making me feel this way, Could have been that I wasn't very well the last week at work, or that I was late getting gifts for people, not sure really, but it was lovely either way, I saw family and they came to us! sometimes different isn't always a bad thing. 

Making sure we are all together creating memories, I took many photos of my cat over the break, people may call me weird, not that I mins being weird. 

This is one of many! she loved sleeping on the back of the sofa on this blanket next to the radiator, kept her lovely and warm! She's now 13 years young, I am biased but I believe she's the cutest cat I've ever seen, her markings are so lovely, and she's the tamest little thing I've ever met. I could talk about her all day, but I won't bore you with this, and I shall move on...

Every year we always have a real Christmas tree, we had a big one this year, there is something amazing about it, and the smell is delightful, always love decorating the tree, and many hanging pieces are there from when I was a child, nostalgia is always big around this time of year, do any of you feel the same way?  Did you do anything over the Christmas period? I hope you were able to! And would love to know what you got up to! 

I went to the Luminations, they were beautiful, went with the family, the best type of company, I'm highly grateful to my family, my sister for driving us all there, she's a massive help.  I do wonder if they will do them again, I shall share some photos below somewhere. Seeing loads of family too which is best, going shopping with them too, helped decorate my nan's house for her, I mean I just sat there really as I wasn't well, I observed more than anything, but was lovely for us to be there together! 

I hope you all got what you wished for, felt blessed, and were spoilt, My mum was spoilt this year as she deserves to be, as does all parents. I won't be rambling on with this, I will end with photos, and also say,




PS: scroll for photos...


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