New weekly start


Good morning, Hope you are all doing well, Welcome back to my blog, ENJOY!!!

Monday has long been branded as the most dreaded day of the week. The end of the weekend's leisure and the beginning of another workweek can cast a shadow over the start of your week. However, what if we reframed our perspective on Mondays? Instead of seeing them as a drag, let's view Mondays as an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to embrace life as if it's the very first time. After all, every Monday is a blank slate, and every moment is a new beginning.

1. The Gift of a Fresh Start

Mondays offer us a unique gift: a fresh start. It's a day to wipe the slate clean and leave behind any regrets or setbacks from the previous week. Just like the start of a new year or the first day of spring, Mondays provide us with a chance to reset our intentions and set new goals. Think of it as a weekly New Year's Day, an opportunity to reflect on what you want to achieve and how you can make the most of the week ahead.

2. Embrace the Beginner's Mindset

Imagine you're experiencing life for the very first time, like a child exploring the world with wide-eyed wonder. Embrace the "beginner's mindset" on Mondays. Approach your tasks, challenges, and even routine activities with curiosity and enthusiasm. By doing so, you can discover new opportunities and insights that you might have overlooked if you approached them with a jaded or routine perspective.

3. Be Kind to Yourself

Life is a journey of continuous learning, and every day is an opportunity to grow and evolve. Instead of being too hard on yourself for past mistakes or perceived shortcomings, use Mondays as a reminder to be gentle and compassionate with yourself. Remember, this is your first time living this unique day, and you're doing the best you can.

4. Set Realistic Goals

On Monday, set achievable goals that inspire and motivate you. Whether they're related to your work, personal life, or self-improvement, setting realistic objectives can make your week more manageable and fulfilling. Break down larger tasks into smaller steps, and celebrate each accomplishment along the way. This will help you stay motivated and maintain a positive outlook throughout the week.

5. Create a Weekly Ritual

Consider establishing a Monday ritual that sets a positive tone for the rest of the week. This could be something as simple as a morning meditation, a gratitude journal, or a healthy breakfast that nourishes your body and mind. A weekly ritual can serve as an anchor, grounding you and providing a sense of stability as you navigate the ups and downs of life.

In conclusion, let's rethink our relationship with Mondays. Instead of dreading them, let's embrace them as an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to live life with the wonder of a beginner's mindset. Be kind to yourself, set realistic goals, and establish a weekly ritual that fosters positivity. Remember, each Monday is a new chapter in your life's story, and you have the power to make it a great one. So, seize the day, and live it as if it's your first time experiencing the beauty of the world.

Hope you enjoyed the read, and have a lovely week, I know it’s not Monday, but it can be here ready for next week! 

See you in my next blog, 

Love ya, Becca! 


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