BMTH concert 2024

 Hello everyone, hope you are all well and doing well since the last blog, this is a very exciting blog to be writing, as it is fresh in my head, yesterdays concert at the utilita arena in Birmingham, was my favorite concert I’ve been to, the atmosphere was amazing, everyone joined in where they were standing, but I was shocked to see not as many people standing when BMTH came on, eventually people stood, and it was such an enjoyable experience, I’ve been excited ever since I bought the tickets and can safely say they did us all proudly! I shall be sharing photos with you, as a support Bad Omens were there, and they didn’t fail to impress the audience, they were also amazing, such an amazing evening, and with good company too! 

  • Bad omens
  • Cassyette 
  • Static Dress

I hope you enjoyed this blog, short and sweet, and shall see you very soon with my next one! 

Thank you! 



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