
Hey guys, How are you all?

You lucky ducks, two blogs in one week, We created a poll over on the facebook page a month or two ago, asking what you'd like us to do and photography was the most requested, its taken longer to create as I've had to sort through my photos that I will be showing you guys today, I can't say that I'm a pro at taking photos, I usually see an opportunity and I will then get my camera out or my phone.

I remember going to a concert when I was 16 and the artist said to the audience, take photos as they have more memories than videos if you can capture an amazing moment its there forever, and I always love to look back on them, I do recommend doing photo albums as they hold so many memories.

I will be sharing photos I've been taking over the past ten years and would love to see what you think and if you've taken any photos, if you follow the page on facebook, you may have seen that I take a lot of photos of the moon as I find it amazing and relaxing, I've always loved the night time and with a glowing moon it makes it all better.

 These are some of the many moon photos I have managed to capture, do you have one you like more? the clear ones or with the clouds over it?

There are many where these have come from, this is just a small part for me, I can share many more in the future, I will now hand you over to Carol, where she will talk about her experiences with taking photos,

Hey everyone hope you are all having an amazing Wednesday, now on to talking about photos, a quote I have seen recently which say "A camera is a save button for the minds eye", I really love this quote as a picture can last a lifetime, you may have lost something or been to a place for the last time or experienced a one-off opportunity and yes you have the memories of these but by taking pictures who have that memory to share with others and look back on, photos can bring a mix of emotions they can be a trip down memory lane, they can be a topic of conversation with friends and family, photos tie us together.

I can't remember a stage in my life that I started taking pictures, my family have always had photo albums in the house and they have always been available for us to look at whenever we feel like it, there are photos of our past they picture our lives as we grew up, we have recently had some pictures developed of mine and my siblings childhood.

Recently I have started taking a lot of pictures of the things around me like the nature around us or places I have visited, and I have started taking more pictures with Becky. I love being able to look back on the pictures and remember the happy times we had whilst taking the pictures.

I love taking pictures of sunsets and places I have been, here are some examples,

Recently I have loved experimenting with pictures as shown in the picture above with the splash of water, I love showing the beauty of nature shown with the close up of the flower showing the close up view of the inside, I can truly thank Becky for helping me with techniques for taking pictures I am certainly not a pro but I have seen the difference between my past photos and the photos I have taken recently due to Becky showing me some ways of getting the best from the photo.

Here is the end of today's blog, I do hope you all enjoyed the read and looking at the photos we have taken in the past and recently, we can all be good at something if we put the effort into it!

Thank you all from us both,

Becca + Carol xx


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