Tattoo's and Meanings

Hey, guys, how are you doing?

Yes we are back with another blog, and we are both very excited to be making this one, this is about our tattoos and the meanings behind them, we both have different reasons as to why we have what we have, and the tattoos we have are different apart from one which is the Harry potter symbols. We are currently watching hocus pocus whilst writing this.

First I will list the tattoos I have, and then I will talk about them afterwards and say where they are on my body

  • peace symbol
  • Panda + Moon
  • Semicolon
  • 5 harry potter symbols
  • Quote
  • Peacock feather and quote
  • Thumper
  • Chucky
  • Moon and clouds
  • Sugar skull    
The peace symbol is on my right hand on my index finger, I've always loved this symbol and it's always stood out to me, that's why I got it,

The panda is on my right wrist, with the moon, pandas are my favourite bears and I find them really cute, there isn't much of a reason as to why I have it,

The semicolon is for the semicolon project for mental health and that's located on my right wrist, which is something that also stands out to me, as it is something I can relate to as well as many others in this world,

The 5 Harry Potter symbols are on my inner right arm, there is the hat, deathly hallows, snitch, owl and glasses plus scar, I've grown up with harry potter and I've always loved it and I wanted one for months and years, it came across this and it was perfect to me and to also Carol, but she will talk about it when she mentions hers.

The quote is on my left inner arm, and the quote is 'Beyond fear lies freedom', this quote is something I can truly relate to because of my upbringing, it wasn't the best but it has made me the person I am today, if you go and read my mental health blog, you will see what my upbringing was like as I share my experience with all mental health issues.

The peacock feather with a quote saying 'stay strong', this is something I've always told myself from a young age, and it was something that got me through all the worries I had growing up, the peacock feather is a simple design, no colour just line work, but I love it, which I'm sure you're all thinking well its a good job too.

Thumper, well we all love thumper I'm sure, he is a great character from Disney's Bambi, this is my favourite Disney movie, I've had him tattooed on my left foot, it was the worst pain yet, having them on your foot is a pain you'll never believe, it's pretty sore and hurts so much, but they are worth the pain for sure.

Almost at the end of the list, right, Chucky, this is located on bottom on my right leg, with the sugar skull but one is on the inner leg and the other on the outer, I chose to have these because they are things I like, I've always liked the look of skull tattoos and I also like the look of the sugar skulls, Chucky is one of my favourite horror characters, this is also a simple design, I love all my tattoos but these two are some of my favourites, I know some of my tattoos if not all aren't everyone's cup of tea but I love them and that's all that matters.

Now we are at the last tattoo of mine, which is the moon and clouds, I've always wanted to have a moon tattoo, so I've had this one, I do love the look of the moon as you may have seen the many photos I have taken of it, so why not have a tattoo of something you love, if you ever want one I suggest that you do,

I hope you have liked reading about my tattoos, I shall hand you over to Carol so she can talk about her tattoos,

  • stack of 3 hearts
  • arrow heart with the date
  • small lily flower
  • heart with ribbon inside
  • quote
  • butterfly
  • flower with a banner saying, mum
  • dreamcatcher
  • quote
  • believe
  • mandala
  • harry potter symbols
  • paw print
The stack of 3 hearts was my first tattoo which I got on the side of my calf and symbolises the generations of family all supporting each other by being together.

The arrow heart with a date underneath which is located on my right forearm symbolises a person missing from family and the date represents when I lost my granddad who is the person missing in my family.

The small lily flower which is located on my right arm on the side of my wrist although small means a great deal to me the lily is a well-loved flower in my family it was a firm favourite for my granddad and my mum, I grew up seeing lily's in the family home and my granddads hope it was the first flower that I had tattooed on me being the family favourite.

The heart with the ribbon inside which is also located on my right forearm is a very special tattoo for me the ribbon incorporated in to the heart is a cancer ribbon, I lost my granddad in the September of 2008 he passed away of cancer so to get a heart to represent my lovely granddad was the first thing that I thought of, within the heart is the cancer ribbon on the one side and swirls coming towards the cancer ribbon within the heart this represents all of the family coming together to support the person suffering from the cruel disease.

The one quote tattoo is located on my right forearm and says "life is a beautiful struggle" and it also has birds flying away from the word struggle this to me symbolises the freedom of flying free life will throw its obstacles in and will try and push you down but you have got to try and look for the positives even if that means you have got to search for them please look and find.

The butterfly and the flowers with banner saying mum are tattoos that I got done at the same time butterflies have always been creatures that myself and some of my family love and the flowers with the banner have my favourite flowers behind the banner then the word mum because she is the absolute rock she has been there for me no matter what, she is a truly amazing mum.

The dreamcatcher tattoo is a tattoo I have always dreamed of, I have always had dreamcatchers in my room, I have always believed in the dreamcatchers and to have one tattooed on me for the rest of my life means the world to me, I have recently added to this tattoo and had the word "Believe" tattooed right under the dreamcatcher I feel like this ties in well with the dreamcatcher and it is a word that I need to start telling myself more often I need to believe in the dreams and the positive side and I truly hope that you are all the same.

The second quote is located on my left forearm and it says "Through every dark night, there is a brighter day" these words were ones that have meant a lot to me since my granddad said them to me at a very young age I still remember the very first time that my granddad said those exact words to me and when I had the tattoo completed it meant a lot to me, I hadn't had the best upbringing which was the darker side  but I had my mum and my siblings and now an amazing friend Becky (the creator of these amazing blogs that you have read) that is the brighter side.

The mandala tattoo is a tattoo that I saw and always wanted and was the first colour tattoo that I got. Same with the paw print I have always loved having dogs in my family and I have two colours inside the tattoo orange for the ginger dog I have and grey for the greyhound that I had.

Lastly is my harry potter symbols as Becky talked about before it is to symbolise the love of Harry, Potter, there is the hat, deathly hallows, snitch, owl and glasses plus scar, we got these tattoos one after the other on the same day we have the same design Beckys are located on her right forearm and mine are located on my left forearm but other than that they are our matching tattoos.

We have both looked forward to writing this blog, we both do hope that you've enjoyed reading this, whenever you manage to, we would love to hear of any tattoos you have and if you have favourites and meanings behind yours,

Thank you so much for all of your support,

Becca + Carol xx


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