Health and Fitness!

Hey, guys, How are we all??? I'm pretty well thank you! 

So as you've seen from the title, yes I am talking about health and fitness, I'm not saying I'm an expert, these are just things that have helped me to look after myself! I have a few pointers I will be talking about and sharing whats helped me and I hope they can help you too! 

The first one I'm talking about is Drinking water, this is something that took me a while to get used to doing, it's trying to remember to drink it! And because of nature, drinking loads will make you need to go to the toilet an awful lot! but eventually, your body will get used to it all! 

studies that refer to research into the '8x8' rule, which promotes drinking at least eight 8-oz glasses of water a day (1.9 litres). This is much more than the 'about 6-8 glasses' (1.2 litres) of fluid a day advocated by the UK government. Keeping hydrated is important.

The second point is choosing to eat healthier and to not snack with the wrong foods! We all can have that temptation to go to the cupboard and choose to have a cake or chocolate or a bag of crisps, yes I have done this! trying to choose a healthier snack like fruit or veg, this works for your evening meal, choosing to swap chips cooked in the fryer or to have them oven-baked makes differences. Trying to have vegetables with your evening meal can be a great chance to change, like having peas, or carrots, It's trying to get into that mindset and I know life gets in the way and we have to cook what we can! I'm not saying you have to do this every single time just occasionally to get used to it! 

Something that's worked for me is to not eat after half seven (7:30) at night.

Some people swear by the technique of stopping food intake at a certain time in the evening to boost weight loss. Often this technique is called “intermittent fasting,” and it involves restricting calorie intake to a specified period during the day. 

However, new research and common sense suggest that going to bed with hunger pains might do more harm than good. In this article, we answer the question of is it okay to sleep when hungry and share our most helpful tips to avoid nightly hunger pains even if you’re on a diet.

All depends on what works for yourself! 

Another point is keeping fit, There are many ways you can keep fit, like go to the gym, personally I prefer to go on walks, do just dance, home workouts on youtube or yoga, as it can help keep you calm whilst stretching your body! Or even just keeping busy throughout the day, like cleaning your house is good exercise, especially cleaning windows as you're stretching your body to reach the top of the windows. You do what is best for you! I'd never tell you to do something just recommend what works for me. 

Do you have a favourite just dance routine to do? 

One major thing that we all end up doing because of jobs etc, we all sit down a lot of the day, the best thing is to keep moving, go for a walk around the house or office if you're constantly sitting, this does help too! 

This is something I follow every day and I have noticed a huge difference with my body and skin! If you want, Give it a go! 

These are the points I wanted to talk about, I hope I was able to help you and you have found something interesting from today's blog! 

I hope you enjoyed the read, and look forward to seeing your beautiful faces next time! 

Thank you 

Becca x 


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