Fabruary Faves

Hey, guys, how are you all?

It's this time again, another faves blog! Is there anything you've loved this month? Would love to know!

The first thing I will talk about is How to get away with murder, tv show on Netflix, I and my mum love it! if you haven't watched it I would recommend watching it! It keeps you hooked from the beginning!

The second one for this month is the harry styles on record! I've listened to this a lot on the record player, and I just love the sound of the record player!

The third one and last one are Miranda, I've watched this a lot recently, if you're ever not in a good mood for whatever reason, give this a watch, you'll instantly change moods!

There aren't as many faves for this month but I had started this blog and needed to finish!  I hope you enjoyed the read and will look forward to next time! many thanks

thank you

Becca x


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