Quarantine Morning Routine!

Hey, guys, I hope you're well, here is a morning routine for you and I hope you find it very helpful

My morning routine can make or break the rest of my day, so I’ve developed a little “morning routine checklist” that helps me get organized and be more productive!
1. Keep your mobile away from you! 
2. Set a positive focus from the start
3. Find the perfect alarm clock or sound
4. Get moving 
5. Feed the brain 
6. Feed the stomach 
7. attach a new habit
8. Have the tools I need to get ready for the day 
9. Make the bed
10. Have a plan for the day. 

Having some of these in place will help you, you can plan this the night before ready for when you wake up! 
I wake up between 6-8 am, Go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and clean my face, moisturise and then I go downstairs, I go to the kitchen first, and grab a glass of water and fill up the kettle ready for a Tea or Coffee, I then head into the living room and open the back doors and open the blinds in the front part, having the fresh air in is just the best! 

I make my drink when the kettle has boiled, sometimes put a show on Netflix or put a youtube video on, just to wake up to! Once that has finished, I will then go and make some breakfast, lately, I've been having either cereal, fruit and yoghurt to boiled eggs, I kind of mix it up so it's not the same every day, I will then wash up anything that's needed, then clean the kitchen sides, this always happens every morning, I will then go and get ready for the day which means wearing leggings, an oversized t-shirt and slippers or my sliders, 
I usually have jobs to get done through the day like cleaning the house I always make sure I have a to-do list ready, there's nothing better than ticking off a list of jobs, but in between those I try and get something fun and creative in, like drawing or baking, having the music on really helps, either Spotify or my record and even my radio, so many choices, by this point, I will have got through 2 glasses of water! And this is how the rest of my morning goes with keeping busy every day. 
Make sure you drink loads of water if you can! 

I will now hand you over to Carol and she will share with you her morning routine. 

Hey everyone hopes you are all well, my morning routine is: 

I get up between 7 and 8 most mornings, the first thing I do is grab my bottle and head to the bathroom, I fill my bottle up first and then wash my face and brush my teeth, I aim to drink the bottle of water in the first hour after waking up, I tend to have music on when I first wake up or youtube videos, 
When I have finished my bottle of water I head downstairs and into the kitchen, firstly I make myself a drink whether its another water or tea (can't beat a cuppa in the morning), after making a drink I make myself some breakfast, I also have been trying to vary breakfasts I go between Weetabix to boiled eggs
and toast to crumpets, its always good to have a search in the morning to decide on breakfast, whilst I am eating breakfast I watch a bit of tv and talk to my mum, once breakfast is finished I head to the kitchen to get the washing up done.

When breakfast is done I refill my bottle so that I have water for whilst I am getting ready, I head back upstairs and get on the outfit that I got out the night before, this tends to be either leggings/ joggers and an oversized t-shirt or jumper, hair-wise I either tie my hair in a high pony or just comb it out so it's down all depending on what I'm doing in the day. Recently I've taken inspiration off of Becky and I write myself a to-do list for the day and check them off when done and you can then see how much you have done. 

I hope you all enjoyed the read, I love hearing about other peoples morning routines and it always gives me inspiration for mine! 

Stay safe, stay home and stay positive

Thank you, 

Becca x 


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