April Faves

Hey, guys, I hope you are all doing well!

It's another end to a month already! this month went quickly I feel. as you've read from the title yes this is the monthly faves for this month, both I and Carol have got some of the same faves for this month so some may be repeated but will give our own words for them,

The first one I will be talking about and that's Riverdale, Its a Netflix original series, there are 4 of them on there,  I flew through them, there was so much going on in each episode and every season focused on one particular topic, I introduced Carol and my mum to it, and they both have said they enjoy it loads,  We all have a favourite with any show we watch, my fave was Jughead(cole Sprouse) I usually go for the badass character or the one who is troubled, so he is mine! I do recommend you watching,

To do with watching things, I've watched more youtube this month and caught up with all the YouTubers and up to date with their videos, I find them really enjoyable and such an easy watch!

Next one, is related to the arty blog, I've been drawing more and getting more into it, I've done Disney to horror-themed ones but still a cartoon, I drew Coraline and the evil other mother, the other mother was more difficult I found, but it turned out better than the first! I find it really relaxing and I've put all of my drawings into a scrapbook, so I have a place to keep them all together! Ways to be creative is in many ways, I've also got back into journalling, I write every day and express any feelings into that book, and I've found it really does help me for sure! something I think anyone could try!

I've come across an eyebrow dye I've used dyes before and had it done in a salon, I haven't used this all month but I wanted to talk about it, naturally, my eyebrows are quite light, and can't properly see them, and the eyebrow dye has helped, and I've enjoyed using it, and will be using more in the future for sure!

Here we will have music, I've been listening to a lot of music like I do always but possibly more during the lockdown, and I've been loving it, I've listened to a playlist I made on Spotify, and its called rocky mix, it's rock music I have discovered over the years, and memories always come back to me, I've also used my record player more this month and I just love the sound, nothing better! And both me and carol have been doing this 30-day song challenge over on Instagram, and I've loved every day, and we only have 5 days left and we will have finished it! kinda sad it's coming to an end!

Next are some kind of health-related faves, I drink water always, but I've been enjoying it with ice and in a morning with lemon in it! it's a refreshing detox for your body and its all-natural with nothing added to it! It's a great way to start your morning, alongside drinking water I've been doing more yoga too, do it every evening without fail, I don't always do it in the morning but I do get other jobs are done during the day too, which can include a lot of stretching anyway so I create my own yoga plus cleaning! I use an app on my iPad which is called Yoga, its a purple logo with a white person sat down with their arms out!

The last three I shall talk in one so you're not reading too much, I've been loving using scrunchies to tie my hair up, it's less tight and I love the way they look, ask me a month ago if I would only use scrunchies and I would have laughed and said never, but now I doubt I will go back to normal hair ties, also to do with hair, I've been loving using the three-barrel crimpers, it gives your hair a natural wave and looks amazing! but don't use it too much as its constant heat on my hair! and last but not least, I've been using my cafeteria or some people call it a french press, it makes the best coffee I believe anyway if you don't have one I think you should get one.

That's all of my faves for this month I shall now hand you over to Carol and she will talk about her monthly faves!

Hey everyone hope you are all doing well, time to talk about some of my favourites.

As Becky mentioned above we have had a few favourites that are the same. In particular, then are 2 TV programmes, one in Riverdale, a recommendation from Becky, but I can truly say it's an amazing show to watch I really wish I would have watched it earlier, but honestly, I'm so glad I am watching it now, i have 9 episodes left of season 4 and I really dont want it to end. I highly recommend you taking a look, i have recently recommended Riverdale to my friend and so far hes enjoying it. Another favourite is vicar of Dibley, i
used to watch the vicar of dibley when i was a teenager and i loved it, i have recently seen that vicar of Dibley has been added to Netflix, I watched half of one of the episodes and its reminded me of how much I love the show, its a very chilled program to watch and is a great one the relax to, have to try guys.

Another big favourite of mine is having a bottle of water at the side of my bed, I have always enjoyed drinking water it's so refreshing, and I love being able to wake up in the morning and having a bottle of water, definitely the best way to wake up and it's so healthy as well. I also find my having water straight away in the morning I tend to wake up quicker and feel hydrated throughout the morning.

Recently I have been enjoying doing a lot of crafts, making some little bits. One thing I have really been enjoying is doing making various scrapbooks and memory books. I have made different memory books and scrapbooks in the past and I have recently started again and remembered how much I enjoyed it. Making a scrapbook is a great way of expressing your arts and crafts and remembering memories. When doing scrapbooks I tend to include tickets to the cinema/ theatre, pictures, drawings, quotes and various different items that bring me joy and that I want to look back on. I try to do different themes within the scrapbooks so that certain topics are on the same page its so nice to look back on and see all of your amazing memories coming together.

Two favourites that I've found have helped during this lockdown is by doing daily journal entries. When I'm doing my journalling I make sure I have the right atmosphere for it, this tends to include having a less bright light on I tend to put on my small fairy lights around my room and I also light myself a scented candle or two I find myself really relaxed with the smell of the candles and the low light and this really helps me when it comes to writing in my journal, also having some music to listen to helps a lot. I highly recommend writing in a journal, it is a great way of expressing emotions and writing down feelings, writing what you have been up to that day, and allowing yourself some chill time.

My least favourite is yoga, I have been finding yoga to be very relaxing, I tend to do some yoga in the morning and some in the evening, it's a great way of relaxing after a day of different activities or even just starting the day with a few stretches, I follow different yoga tutorials on youtube, yoga is such an easy way of relaxing and having some time to yourself, there are different relaxation yoga sessions and its absolutely amazing, I highly recommend it trying some yoga if you want a way to relax. Becky has shown me a couple of videos that she has used in the past!

I really hope you have enjoyed today's blog everyone! its a very chatty one as you will know! Hope you are all doing as well as you can! We are all here together and in this together.

Thank you, Stay safe, stay home and stay positive!

Becca x


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